Sda Community Baby’s Closet
Thomasville Sda Community Baby’s Closet is designed helps low-income families and those experiencing hardships by providing essential baby items to safely and adequately care for their children. The program provides a unique opportunity to earn coupons which can be redeemed for clothing, a crib, car seat, and baby supplies. Parents receive coupons for learning about nutrition and parenting, keeping prenatal and well child appointments, childbirth classes, and keeping their children’s immunizations up-to-date. Some parents also earn coupons by continuing to participate in parent education classes.
The Food Pantry
Thomasville Sda Church offers families food once a month at no charge through a network of local, Clark County food Bank and social agencies. · · Our pantries provide a five-day supply of food to prepare balanced and nutritious meals as recommended by the Department of Agriculture nutrition food chart. Clients must meet USDA guidelines
Bible Study
Let us prepare you to strive daily to develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ to become more like Him.
The heart of our mission is to help others realize the hope found in experiencing a personal relationship with a living God and loving Saviour and nurturing you in preparation for His soon return.